Science based nutrition for your specific sport

Strength, endurance, health and fitness:

Specialist sports nutrition for training, performance, and recovery.

Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition provides your body with what it needs in order to be able to adapt effectively to the training load that you progressively give it, to rise to the challenge when you need to perform, and too keep you at the peak of your health.

Ensuring the building blocks are there for energy and strength, for repair and immunity, and for cognitive resilience, is essential.

  • Woman lifting barbell weights

    "I have a much better relationship with food - no longer is the focus on restriction, but on fuelling instead, and I feel great."

    Strength and conditioning client

  • Group of cold water swimmers

    "My digestive issues are resolved and training is feeling amazing."


Leah Rose is an experienced MNU Sports Nutritionist who can give you the intricately balanced program you need.