Thrive through menopause with balanced nutrition

Feel energised and ready to take on the world.

Personalised and sustainable dietary, health and lifestyle recommendations to support you.

Nutrition and Menopause

Menopause doesn’t only happen in your 50s - so it’s never too soon (or too late!) to learn how to harness the benefits of nutrition for muscle, bone, heart and brain health.

Leah has extensive experience of providing evidence-based guidance and advice for perimenopause, menopause, and the years beyond. She will help you to make sense of information available, reduce stress and anxiety, and empower you with the knowledge you need for restored energy, better long-term health, and a fitter and healthier you.

Leah’s holistic approach includes health and lifestyle advice as well as nutritional advice.

  • Woman looking into distance

    "Thank you for today. So much has helped and makes sense already, I feel so much better"

    Perimenopause client

  • Woman with hands in the air standing on a mountain

    "My weight has come down and my blood pressure is the lowest it has been"

    Menopause client

Empower yourself with knowledge and truths about nutrition for menopause.